
Download CodingBrain

Get a 30 days trial

At the moment, CodingBrain is only available for Mac OSX.

The demo gives you 30 days of the full version with all features enabled. After the trial period ends, your can register the full version for free while we are still in beta testing!. The files you have created while using using CodingBrain will still be yours, if don't want to continue using CodingBrain, simply delete it and that's it.

Click here to download 30 days trial

Register full version for FREE!

During beta testing, we are giving away CodingBrain for free. Simply send an email to and we'll send you the activation code back (you'll register with the email address).

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Development roadmap & future plans

CodingBrain is only at the beginning of what it wants to be. We envision better ways how to learn and teach a subject like software development, especially in areas like automation and code generation.

Currently in development

  • Making CodingBrain available for Windows and Linux OS
  • Development of a browser plugin (starting with Chrome) that synchronizes with CodingBrain (note: you can already use an external browser, but when you want to follow a link you need to do that in CodingBrain to record it. The plugin will make that unnecessary)
  • Clicking on note viewer sets a insertion-line that marks the position where to insert text. This will replace inserting above text that is selected in note viewer.
  • Adding more search engine options.

Future plans

  • Publish your notes as a book. The main focus in the near future is planned to resolve around creating a new kind of book format that changes the way we teach and learn about software development.
  • Further push code generation. There is a lot of room for automation by giving much more attention to the typical structure of technical documentation.
  • Generate blog posts from notes. Similar to code generation, a (technical) blog post follows a common structure (installation, setup, first steps etc) that can be automated.
  • Integrate with blog publishing services, enabling an author to get directly from notes to blog posts.
  • An online component that allows sharing of notes and knowledge with every other CodingBrain user.